Random Stuff


Eyecandy and RnD.

These are just some impressions and exercises I worked on within the last years. It’s a collection of small projects from when I began until now.

Quick and dirty 5-minute test of a new plugin. Works.

First Experiments with Blender + Cycles

Quick and Dirty Luma Keying + Compositing

Quick Testing of Redshift Renderer in Maya

My first 2D Motion Graphics Project. Warning: Content may not be up to date ;)

Graphic Design for my uncles Birthday invitations

First Experiments with Maya

Created during editing Workshop at university. Cinematography was given to us (not my own camera work).

Rendering exercise using Maya and Arnold

Came out of an experiment with Trapcode

Modeling Exercise with Maya

3D Animation Exercise for university

We filmed this short on a single day in a small team. I did the editing and the sound design.

Michael Hammerer